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员工手册是建立员工期望的重要工具, 解决工作场所的问题,防范潜在的诉讼. Failing to update the 就业 policies in these handbooks regularly can make employers vulnerable to legal risks and liabilities, 导致高额罚款, 罚款和律师费. 雇佣法通常很复杂, and employers must be aware of new regulatory developments that may impact their organizations and workforce. The start of the year provides employers with an excellent opportunity to review and update their policies.

1. 皇冠行为

In 2023, many states and localities enacted laws prohibiting discrimination based on an individual’s hair texture and style associated with a protected class, 比如种族. 截至2023年9月, 23个州通过了《美高美集团4688》法案. 此外,美国.S. 维尔京群岛和40多个地方已经通过了皇家法律. 许多尚未通过CROWN法案的州已经提交或预先提交了类似的立法. CROWN laws generally forbid discrimination based on hair textures or protective hairstyles commonly associated with a protected characteristic, 比如种族, 国籍和种族. 展望未来,美国.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (平等就业机会委员会) has signaled that it will pursue discrimination claims related to hair texture and style.

许多州和地方都通过了头发歧视法, employers must ensure their workplace dress code policies are current and comply with state and local laws. It is critical to review existing policies to ensure they accommodate different hairstyles by not banning or restricting certain hair textures and styles that are associated with race, 国籍和种族. 

2. 怀孕工人公平法

《梅高美集团4858》(PWFA)于12月11日签署成为法律. 自2023年6月27日起生效. 根据这项法律, employers with at least 15 employees must provide reasonable accommodations to workers with known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions unless the accommodation will cause the employer an “undue hardship.“平等就业机会委员会已开始接受根据《美高美集团4688》就6月27日发生的情况提出的指控。, 2023, 或晚.

The number of lawsuits claiming employers failed to accommodate pregnant workers will likely increase in 2024. 因此,雇主应该复习并熟悉这项法律. Savvy employers will look at the 平等就业机会委员会’s final PWFA regulations and consider including a policy in their 2024 employee handbook that explicitly addresses PWFA accommodations. 此外, forward-thinking employers will increasingly engage in the interactive process with covered employees and applicants who require accommodations under PWFA.

3. 相关协议

2023年1月, 联邦贸易委员会(FTC)提出了一项禁止大多数竞业禁止协议的规定. 预计联邦贸易委员会将于2024年4月对这一规定进行投票. 另外, 大约在联邦贸易委员会宣布其拟议规则的六个月后, the National Labor Relations Board stated that most noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements violate the National Labor Relations Act. Many states have also passed noncompete bans or taken action to ensure noncompetes are unenforceable.

由于围绕这些政策的立法不断变化, employers need to ensure their noncompete agreements are tailored to the state and locality where their employees work. 此外, employers can consider limiting or eliminating noncompete agreements and policies to avoid potential litigation and unnecessary enforcement hurdles. 

4. 表格i - 9

到2023年,美国经济将增长.S. Department of 首页land Security’s (DHS) Citizenship and Immigration Services published an updated Employment Eligibility Verification form (表格i - 9) and instructions. The DHS also issued a final rule that will amend agency regulations to allow for the authorization of alternative document examination procedures, 例如远程文件验证和检查. 雇主必须从11月11日开始使用新表格. 2023年1月1日,以避免处罚. Complying with 表格i - 9 requirements is often challenging and places a significant administrative burden on employers. 如果没有为所有员工填写并保留I-9表格,代价会非常高昂. 表格i - 9 violations often can lead to additional fines and penalties from other government agencies. 而雇员填写I-9表格的时间要求并没有改变, the updated form will likely force employers to make some changes to their 表格i - 9 operations and processes. 因此, employers should familiarize themselves with the updated form and establish a plan for implementing the required changes. Savvy employers will also train employer representatives and communicate with employees about plan updates. 由于符合I-9表格要求的复杂性, 鼓励雇主寻求法律顾问,讨论具体问题和关注的问题.

5. FLSA加班和最低工资豁免

8月. 2023年3月30日.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a proposed rule to amend current requirements that executive, administrative and professional employees must satisfy to be exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime requirements. 有了这个规则, 劳工部建议将最低工资水平从684美元提高到1美元,每周0.59美元(35美元起),568 to $55,068美元/年),107美元起价,432 to $143,高收入员工每年988英镑. The rule would also enable the DOL to update salary levels automatically every three years without relying on the rulemaking process. 最终的加班规定预计将于2024年4月公布.

While the proposal doesn’t impose any new requirements on employers until the rule is published, proactive employers will review the FLSA’s proposed rule and evaluate the changes needed to remain compliant with the new law. 这可能包括审查员工薪酬, 审核豁免员工的工作职责,修改公司政策以确保合规. 


过时的策略通常会使组织面临不必要的法律风险. Regularly reviewing and updating 就业 policies is an effective and cost-effective way for employers to protect themselves. 通过了解2024年最重要的规章制度来学习, employers can take steps to ensure their 就业 policies are current and reflect the most recent regulatory developments.

This HR Insights is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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